Click here for frequently asked questions including show opening times, accessibility and travel advice.
All information about the event, including opening times, access and travel can be found on our Visitor Information page
All ticket information, including pricing and how to book can be found here
If you have a discount code that you would like to use when redeeming your tickets, please click the ‘Enter promo code’ at the top of your screen when selecting your tickets. Once you have entered and applied your code, this should then amend your total and you can proceed with your purchase.
You will need to bring your ticket to the event but this can be on your phone or printed. You will receive an email from SEE Tickets which will include a PDF of your ticket. Please ensure you have this attachment to gain entry to the venue.
Our event is aimed at adults, however children are able to attend if they are accompanied by an adult. For children under 16 years old, a concession ticket is available and must be selected with another ticket type.
You can apply for a concession ticket via SEE Tickets, simply click here
Please note that tickets are non-refundable and non-transferrable.

Please note:

We reserve the right to refuse tickets and/ or entry to our events at our sole discretion. In only these circumstances, your ticket cost will be refunded to you.
Seating is on a first come, first served basis, so we advise that you arrive early to ensure you and your party can be seated together. This is not guaranteed.


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